Le Verger de Tavaux

Overnight parking for camper vans and smaller motor homes in beautiful Tavaux et Pontséricourt, 25 minutes off the A26, 230 kms south of Calais (33)0749987549

Tavaux-et-Pontsericourt is in the north of France at 27 kilometres from Laon, the department capital (general information: Tavaux-et-Pontsericourt is 230 kilometres from Callais).

Local Wildlife

Regular sightings from the property or on the property include red squirrels,hoopoe & otters.

Water Point


Dog Friendly

30 Euros per night


Places To Visit

Monument aux fusillés martyrs de Tavaux

​Ruelle des Neufliers

Domaine de Bosmont

marle sur serre


  • Contact to Book +33 0749987549
  • Email juliannewick@yahoo.co.uk
  • If you have any queries, please feel free to send me a message